
Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 14:12:34 EDT

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In a message dated 6/1/01 1:06:25 PM Central Daylight Time, (Dave Nereson)

> To my mind, "piano tuning theory", music theory, and historical temperaments 
> are all the same theory,(snip)

I agree and thanks for the post.  When I have tried to write up my EBVT, some 
have complained about being confused by enharmonic note identification.  The 
best solution I've found is to write both, for example, the minor 3rd, 

The small letter "b" looks close enough to be a "flat" to me but you could 
use italics to make it lean a little.  I don't on this list because it 
doesn't transfer to everybody.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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