
Tom Driscoll
Thu, 31 May 2001 17:32:48 -0700

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To our angry dealer,     Thomas Jefferson said  and I paraphrase   "If =
you are angry count to 10 before speaking, if very angry 100 "    Also =
when you disparage "unamerican " pianos  because they have aluminum and =
ABS plastic or as you say "junk" , you lose all credibility with a =
technical community that  embraces  progress and innovation . Are these =
Asian pianos the greatest ever made?  No, but I prefer a  service call =
on most of these newer models over a battle with a new Baldwin. Yes I =
tune more Baldwins  than any other brand, and will continue to service =
them , All of which is irrelevent to our comments and observations =
concerning the demise of a once fine company. Tom Driscoll.RPT

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