What we charge?

Thu, 27 Jan 2000 21:43:48 EST

In a message dated 1/27/2000 8:48:26 PM, you wrote:

<<"I think so . . surely our fellow southern tuners arn't THAT paranoid ???">>

Mr. Kinnear careful how y'all use that term "southern"....... while all of 
usins is South of you not all of usins are sutherin. Sutherin tooners work 
for just pork bellys and grits...that be all them Carpetbaggers left us 

As for the rest of the thread on "price fixing" it is not worth the possible 
aggravation to discuss 'exact' prices anyway since there is such a wide 
variety of pricing in different parts of the country and even within the same 
state.  When we all joined PTG one of the things we agreed to, as a member, 
was not to discuss 'pricing/prices' in chapter meetings, National 
Conventions, Regional seminars or in public forums. As ptech is just that, a 
public forum, only the very most general pricing should be discussed, if 
needful at all. I personally don't see the need for it as what David I. 
charges in CA has no bearing on what I charge in Jax FL. (not picking on ya 
David:), or Jon P in MA for that matter.(you deserve picking on ::))
My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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