Busiest months

John Lillico, RPT staytuned@idirect.com
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:55:35 -0500

Many businesses are seasonal and I guess piano service is no exception> Or is it? I picture you southern folk doing a slow, modest pace year round. Up here, with hot, humid summers and long, cold winters, 44% of my annual income is earned in four months, September through December.

Here is a percentage breakdown of monthly units tuned in the past two years.

Jan, 6.6%
Feb, 8.5%
Mar, 6.9%
Apr, 8.5%
May, 5.2%
Jun, 7.2%
Jul, 5.2%
Aug, 8.0%
Sep, 10.2%
Oct, 7.8%
Nov, 13.1%
Dec, 12.8%.

March can be full of surprises at times. In 1996 it was the second worst month but the following year ranked #3. February can be unpredictable, too. In 1966 it was dead last but ranked fourth in 2000, sending October skidding to #8.

How do we all survive?

John Lillico, RPT
Oakville, Ontario, Canada

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