Service Vehicles

Sun, 31 Dec 2000 01:25:50 EST


I don't know of anyone else who uses a cargo van, but I do.  I purchased it 
for many reasons: 1) lots and lots of space for anything.  I can load several 
upright and grand actions easily without bending over.  2) I can load up to a 
44" vertical (off of a dolly) easily, most consoles on a dolly. I can carry 
two comfortably and could put a third in if I had to. 3) It has the guts to 
pull a trailor loaded with pianos without breaking a sweat. 4) I am parinoid 
of small cars, I perferr to survive an acident.

I drive a Ford E250.  It cost a little more than many of the vehicles 
discussed so far to purchase, and the fuel milage is poor, 9 - 13 MPG but I 
wouldn't trade it for anything except maybe a Dodge.

Andrew Remillard

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