Service Vehicles

BobDavis88@AOL.COM BobDavis88@AOL.COM
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:46:33 EST

In a message dated 12/30/2000 10:47:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  I am toying with the idea of getting one of those Chrysler PT Cruisers as 
>        service vehicle. 

It might depend upon what kind of field service you do. If it's mostly light 
service work and you don't want to carry a complete shop with you, it might 
do very well. I drive a Dodge Neon as my service vehicle (the PT is based on 
the Neon platform). After someone totalled my '95 (with no damage to me and 
my wife), I bought a 2000, if that tells you anything about satisfaction. 

I carry basic tuning and regulating tools, strings, punchings, light 
woodworking and repair tools, etc., in the trunk for routine service. If I am 
doing a bigger regulating job, I fold down the back seats and put in several 
boxes of job-specific tools. The action fits easily in the trunk with the 
seats down, and one could even put an action cradle or more boxes in the 
front if one was so inclined. It's hot looking and fun to drive, and gets 
good mileage. I use mine only for business, but it is a comfortable and quiet 
four-door sedan on the road for city driving and intermediate trips. The PT 
is even hotter looking, but has no trunk, so I don't know if you have 
security concerns.

Bob Davis

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