Decibel Levels

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 07:06:32 -0600

Mr. Airy,

At 01:56 12/30/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>I'd like to know what a Bosendorfer Imperial with the lid open played as 
>loud as possible (but no so loud you break the strings/hammers) in a 
>medium sized living room (like 15 by 25 or something like that) would 
>sound like.  :)

Here's your opportunity!!

All you have to do is buy a mega piano and move it into my living 
room.  14'x26', It has an 8 1/2' ceiling, plaster walls and a brick 
fireplace, so full resonance gained by opening the lid will be no 
problem.  I'll even turn on the ceiling fan to add that "special" feeling.

I'll provide the dB meter and earplugs, and move out all of the other 

We can also check the pitch drop, before and after I light a fire in the 
fireplace, before and after I turn on my room humidifier.  We could also 
measure the floor drop after we move in a 1500# piano.

You get to keep my 1890s, 58.5" Nittinger (Phila), "Upright Concert Grand" 
in "Tiger" oak case.  I might even throw in one of my reed organs.


Happy Millenium!

Conrad Hoffsommer - Decorah, Ia.
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