Decibel Levels

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 22:38:46 -0600

About a month ago, I sprung a whole $35 for a decibel meter of sorts from
Radio Shack. I thought it would be nice to be able to correlate decibel
readings with personal pain level while tuning, as well as calibrating the
FFT analyzer I'm writing to some semblance of real world sound levels. As
it turns out, the FFT calibration turns out to be too relative to the sound
system and microphone quality of the individual computer for the decibel
correlation to be of much use, but I've been having some fun with the meter
just taking readings in what seem to be relatively harmless situations.
There aren't all that many ways to upset your ingrained complacency and
unwarranted sense of safety and security with an investment of a mere $35.
In the interest of consciousness elevation, the enhancement of creeping
suspicion of discontent, and a general unsettling of your hard fought
rationalizations to the effect that your immediate environment is
adequately supportive of life, and the continuing function of ears, I
recommend that you purchase something like this and explore a bit. These
little suckers could sell a LOT of ear plugs.

Ron N

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