PianoDisc driver boards

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 13:23:13 +0100

Rob Kiddell wrote:

> > Hey Rob... was just wondering how this Pianer Disk reinstall came out.
> Hi Richard,
> The install is installed, 81 solenoids, playing a little noisy, but not
> bad. I'm waiting for a Symphony module that's been ordered from
> MSR to finish off the install.
> Question: is there something I can use to silence squeaky
> solenoids? Every PianoDisc install I've serviced has a few, and this
> one is no exception. ProTek? Teflon? earplugs?

This depends on the solenoids... but if they are made within the past 6 or 7
years then I think the company line is to do nothing or you will make
matters worse. I have been out of this for a while now so I am not sure what
current practice is. I do know that in the very early 90's and before we
used to treat them with a lubricant. Then a new type of solenoid came out
and we were told not to treat them at all. I believe thats the current

> Thanks for your note, and your input.

Neat to hear the operation was a success.

> Regards,
> Rob Kiddell RPT
> Atonal Piano Service
> http://www.telusplanet.net/public/atonal/

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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