
Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 07:19:06 -0500


I always thought hammer felt separated from the molding because the glue lost
its holding power, which I attributed to high humidity.  Is there a general
consensus?  Is the real culprit the swelling felt?

Clyde Hollinger, RPT, Lititz, PA, USA

P.S.  People around here are stocking up for a big snowstorm which is supposed
to arrive tonight.  Big is a relative term, I know.  They're calling for 6-12
inches, possibly more.

Tony Caught wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Hammer heads are made of lamb's wool felt (generally Australian lamb's wool)
> and yes, this expands with humidity, to a point where the increased tension
> causes by this swelling causes the hammer to lift of the wood. Especially
> when there are no staples holding the hammer felt into shape.  You have seen
> hammer heads with the felts popped off ?.  This is common in areas of high
> humidity.

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