Decibel Levels

Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 08:41:39 -0600

At 08:10 12/29/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm stopping by for a few days with this question.
>Just how loud can a piano become? I have a book which says an airplane 
>taking off will reach 140 decibels, a rock concert 120 and a snowmobile 110.
>After 37 years of tuning, I'm now going for ear plugs and I've read the 
>archives as well. But nowhere can I find reference as to how many decibels 
>it took for me to experience this discomfort.

Threshold of pain is generally agreed to be about 115-120 dB.

US federal guidelines limit exposure to levels beginning at 90dBa.

Years ago I measured levels while tuning and found that I could generate 
103-105dB from medium sized grands in practice rooms, and usually well into 
the 90's from consoles. When I get home this afternoon, I'll look up the 
actual numbers, unless Tremper jumps in with them before. ;-}

The damage is cumulative, so <120 dB is not necessary for damage and symptoms.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician
Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Voice-(319)-387-1204  //  Fax (319)-387-1076(

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