Decibel Levels

J Patrick Draine
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:40:50 -0500

>I'm stopping by for a few days with this question.
>Just how loud can a piano become? I have a book which says an 
>airplane taking off will reach 140 decibels, a rock concert 120 and 
>a snowmobile 110.

I don't have specs handy, but certainly enough to cause tinnitis! A 
few years back we had an audiologist give our chapter a talk. The 
audiologist gave a local tech a measuring device to carry along with 
him through his day of tuning. The audiologist concluded that a day's 
tuning can certainly be within the "harmful" range. He recommended 
ear plugs/muffs/filters & thought it foolish if we didn't use ETDs 
for most of the grunt work.

Patrick Draine

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