Rattling their Cage- my last

Thu, 28 Dec 2000 21:57:23 EST

Susan wrote:

<<" Not that we'd
necessarily agree with it, even in person, but we might
tend to respond more appropriately.">>

 The only "appropiate" response to unfounded, unwarranted character 
asassination is the immediate and uneqviocal denouncment of it in person, via 
telephone, or via e.mail. It is quite one thing to demand freedom of speech 
and an entirely different affair to use said freedom responsibly.

For general information Board policy, vis a vis pianotech, states:

"Listserve messages should not be posted if they include libelous statements 
about another person or entity. A statement can be libelous even though a 
person or entity is not specifically named if that person or entity can be 
identified by others. A Libelous statement is one that contains:a) false 
information; b) malicious information; or c) statements that are injurious to 
the reputation of another."..........................."Although the 
Association has no duty to monitor this site, the Association reserves the 
right to remove any materials that the Association considers to be 

 It is all well and good to say 'can't we just play nice'...and I would 
generally agree....It is all well and good to say 'can't we just ignore so 
and so' and I would generally agree....It is all well and good to say 'don't 
attack him he has the right to say what he does because he does post some 
good things'......I do 'not' agree.
 Nothing in his past, or present behavior, is indicative of any remorse for 
anything he has said, and we know that his word is absolutely worthless as he 
continues to break his "pledge" and for some of the silliest pretenses, real 
or imagined and occasionaly just plain fabricated as in the latest instance. 
In his willingness to twist and turn the truth and or statements made by 
others he continually displays an amazing propensity to resort to outright 
untruths in order to "prove" his point...whatever the heck that is.
 This behavior to me is unacceptable and I am sorry that so many of my 
esteemed colleagues seem willing to let it slide on by.................

James A. Bryant, RPT
"we are what we do for the doing makes us what we are"

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