SV: Shun

Johan Ola Andersson
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 03:41:18 +0100

Sometimes people on this list write "give me proof".

I can send one insult from the list to Mr Bremmer for every insult you can find he have sendt to the list.
I don't think we shall use energy on that

Give this a thought though

The PTG organisation "moderates" Bill Bremmer away. 
He gets a laywer. 
They start to go into the archives and look what was _really_ written.
They sue the PTG organisation who owns the list for mobbing a member out. 
They use e-mails as evidence as good as written paper. 
The PTG laywer can say Bill said this and Bill's  laywer can say the list and some people from PTG said this. 
Bills laywer can say "Bill have written he has regret his attacks and will change". 
Bills laywer has evidence for Bill changing and the PTG and list still ignoring him. 
It would be an intresting case. 

Do you wanna try or shall everybody think before they write any insults to this list, 
(including Bill (if anybody still have problems with my points)). 
Maybe people should atleast READ the e-mails they reply to. 
An e-mail can be used as evidence for being mobbed out of an organisation. 

I have other things to do than trying to get you to THINK
Moderate me if you like it would be a pleasure

Ola Andersson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Don <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: Shun

> Hi Everyone,
> I suggest that Mr. Bremmer should either leave the list or that no one
> should further acknowledge his presence here. His conduct on the list is
> almost always inflamatory. He is obviously a very insecure person.
> Regards,
> Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.
> Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts
> 3004 Grant Rd.
> S4S 5G7
> 306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner

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