When to do it

Clark A Sprague clarks11628@juno.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 21:12:23 -0500

List, I do acknowledge the fact that the problems I mentioned yesterday
in the 248 are the very reason that I (and many others of us) have a job
in this industry.  I could still be teaching public school!   I do have a
further question about the ringing C5, however.
	I noticed that several of the bass strings are way further down on their
Accu-just hitch pins than are the others.  Could this extra downbearing
angle in the backscale cause this ringing in some fashion?  I pressed on
some of them today before the thing went out,and found that the ringing
diminished somewhat.  I don't think that any of the dampers are leaking
too badly, although after all the other stuff, I could have let some of
that go.........(BIG GRIN).      Clark Sprague

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