When to do it

kam@flash.net kam@flash.net
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:53:51 -0600

>Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:
>...The question still remains, however, why is this happening more on Yamamas
>> than on other pianos?

>Im sorry.... I didnt know that it was established yet that it does...I
>wouldnt mind seeing some kind of documention that any particular piano make
>suffers from  this problem more then another before I buy without further
>that Yamahas are most susceptable...
>Richard Brekne

Wim, Richard, List,

For the record Yamaha makes great pianos.

Now in response to the Richard's comments above, I can establish this:
I have tuned 20 + Yamaha U1s', late '60s' & early '70s' vintage, for easily
15 + years, 2x per year, in a university environment of heavy use and
changing temperatures/humidities.

Allowing for exceptions to the rule, the lost motion has changed enough
between visits to use the leather method tip I mentioned earlier in this
thread.  Before using the leather method tip, I adjusted lost motion for
each key manually by adjusting the capstan dowels.

These particular Yamahas' I mention are susceptable, and this is one
documentation for your file.

Keith McGavern aka McTestify
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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