When to do it

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 09:32:12 EST

In a message dated 12/28/00 1:15:42 AM Central Standard Time, 
RNossaman@KSCABLE.com writes:

<< Some appropriate
 measurements at humidity extremes should tell you either what else it's
 not, or what it is. Either way, you'll eventually run out of things it's
 measurably not, leaving what it most probably is. 
 Sorry, that's not really an answer, but it's a start on a kit. It's the
 best I can do. There's just a little  more assembly required.
 Ron N

Now that we've had all this discussion of this subject, you can bet I will 
take careful note of this problem. If the hammers are pushing against the 
strings this summer, I think we can all assume it is the humidity change that 
is effecting the keybed, or any of the other items you mentioned. 

The question still remains, however, why is this happening more on Yamamas 
than on other pianos?


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