imagined temperament controversy

Thu, 28 Dec 2000 09:29:20 EST

 Bill Bremmer writes: 
    >>It is and always has been the HT controversy that that has been
inflammatory in and of itself. <<

    I disagree. 
    From my own experience, the subject of temperaments has been an enticing 
and attractive one for the vast majority of technicians and customers I have 
come into contact with.  It has been a source of broader horizons for myself 
as well as a subject with which I have had many enjoyable discussions among a 
growing number of technicians.  
    Some of these techs don't consider a variety of temperaments to be worth 
the effort, some consider the sound of ET to be superior, and some have come 
to see well-temperaments as opening a door on an entirely new and exciting 
field to pursue.  I welcome them all and their critique,  and feel that I am 
a better technician for it.  I am certainly not offended by those that don't 
believe in them as I do.  
   What has always been, and always will be controversial and inflammatory, 
is self-seving, vitrolic attempts to condemn others.   Rudeness is no more 
than fear masquerading as strength.  
Ed Foote RPT

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