parts for sale

Wed, 27 Dec 2000 19:23:26 EST


While doing some badly needed cleaning in the shop attic, I came across an 
Acrosonic action I had removed from a piano with a broken plate.  I had 
always thought that some day maybe . . . 

Because of ever increasing problems with tendonites I have had to sharply 
curtail my tuning and I avoid small pianos altogether.  So I doubt I will 
ever have any need for a complete action in very good condition.

So, I have a complete Acrosonic action for sale.  I am not sure what to ask 
but would entertain nearly any offer as I really need to get rid of some of 
the eveidence of my pack rat tendencies.

I also have various assorted old upright actions I would be willing to strip 
parts off if any one needs some for spare parts.


Andrew Remillard

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