tuner's top 10

Susan Kline sckline@home.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 12:51:05 -0800

At 09:30 PM 12/26/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi list, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
>I'd like to get a "tuner's top 10" of favorite piano pieces, specifically 
>selected to demonstrate the finished tuning.

Hello, Terry

After finishing -- sometimes, I don't make a fixed habit of what to play -- 
a rolling arpeggio, ending in octave 5 or 6 with the third of the chord.

Bach, WTC, Prelude 1

Bach, 3-part invention in G minor

Poulenc -- part of the 2nd improvisation (Ab major). I keep forgetting the 
last few bars. The trouble comes if one keeps playing the same pieces over 
and over at customers' pianos, without ever checking the music. They ravel 
from back to front.

the slow movement of a Clementi Sonatina

I'm working on an easy Scarlatti Sonata, but I don't have it memorized yet.


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