what pianos are good?

Glenn Grafton glenn@graftonpiano.com
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 20:40:37 -0500

>what pianos are usually good practiseing tuning on? what pianos are 
>easy to tune?

Yamaha pianos are my favorites to tune, but we sell them so I may be 
a little opinionated.

Actually from many of the other piano tuners also feel that way too.

We got in a 1970 something Yamaha spinet recently and it is one sweet 
sounding piano.Only needed a tuning, hammer filing & voicing and some 
refinishing. Pins, bridges, etc. are all in excellent shape.

Yamaha U1 uprights are probably the favorites in the vertical pianos. 
The larger 52" U3 is nicer but is more $$ so we see fewer of them. 
The new Yamaha U5 52" upright is a spectacular piano.
Glenn Grafton
Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
Souderton PA

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better." So I bought a Macintosh.

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