"Two Piano Tuners"

Lance Lafargue lancelafargue@bellsouth.net
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 17:21:22 -0600

We discussed this book a few days ago....  I ordered it from Barnes & Noble
(under used/out of print) on the net, paid about $25 for it.  It is out of
print now and this one was in the Brookline, Mass library previously.  Other
than the usual library markings, it is like new.  It's a great book for
kids.  (My kids are 5, 8, and 10.)  They have a few other copies available
from about $20-$50.

P.S.  Yesterday my kids began an argument and after I straightened them out
I came up to my office, only to find another childish argument going on
here.  Yikes!  Hope it's over..... Merry Christmas!  %~)

Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

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