X-player action regulating.

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 16:11:49 -0500

At 10:53 AM 12/26/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>   I have an ex-player grand with the long keys.  I am having trouble find 
> a way to regulate it so that it is real playable.  No matter what I do 
> with it plays klutzy or feels funny compared to pianos that have shorter 
> or normal length keys.
>I am wonder ing if you guys and gals can help  ease my frustration.  I 
>would like to hear about a fix for this problem other than having a new 
>keyboard made and then shortening the keybed and moving the traps 
>etc.  There must be a way to make this thing work reasonably well.  It is 
>a 6' Mehlin.  I have tried playing with the dip, hammer height, tightening 
>the let off.  I have not tried moving the capstans or playing with the 
>geometry.  I do have room to raise the let off rail.
>Thank you, Bill Peterson, South Bay Chapter 
>Associate.  <mailto:Lokman@ix.netcom.com>Lokman@ix.netcom.com

You'll have to be a little more specific as far as the touch goes.
Is there too much or too little aftertouch. Too light or too heavy.
Are the dampers timed corectly.

With generic settings of 3/8 dip, 1 3/4 hammer blow, 1/16 letoff; where if 
the jack
situated in the repetition window when the hammer is in check? Is it just 
in front
of the knuckle (ideal) or jammed into the stop felt.

Does the capstan/jack contact point lay on the 'magic line' at half blow?

Don't expect too much out of this piano.

Remanufacturing the action and case would not be a profitable venture.

Good Luck,

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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