Prepping new pianos

Tue, 26 Dec 2000 16:09:41 EST

In a message dated 12/26/00 1:00:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< @#$%@#$% dampers that hang up into space. Again, they 
 usually manifest themselves once in the field. They are usually just 
 brushing one side of the guide rail bushing, and a gentle wire bend 
 accompianied with guide rail bushing reaming cures it. However, 
 any preventatitive preparation techniques would be appreciated. >>

I have found in prepping new Baldwins that many dampers that "hang up in to 
space" are due to the damper stop rail being regulated too high. And they all 
seem to be this way from the factory. Play the piano lightly and everything 
seems fine. As soon as a key is played hard enough to throw the damper past 
where it ought to stop, then the angle of the wire is changed just enough to 
cause it to bind in the guide bushing. I would regulate the stop rail first 
and then see if you still have a problem.

Dave Bunch

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