When to do it

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 22:20:20 EST

In a message dated 12/25/00 6:11:53 PM Central Standard Time, 
kam544@flash.net writes:

<< Finally got this great idea that serves the same purpose in 15 seconds or
 less each visit.  One season I install a piece of leather under the hammer
 rest rail stops when the jacks don't return under the hammer butts, then
 the next season, when there is excess lost motion, I remove it.
 I do realize there are exceptions to applying this method at face value,
 but for the most part, it works quite well in the areas under my
 Keith McGavern aka McTechtrick >>


That is a great way to save time adjust lost motion twice a year. But it only 
makes the repairs easier. It doesn't solve the problem.  The question still 
remains, why is this happening on the Yamaha's? And what can be done to stop 


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