sandpaper from heaven
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 22:17:24 -0500

Merry Christmas!

Too late to ask Santa this year, I guess, but those of you who perform
the task of sanding wood and finishes on a semi-regular basis should
consider adding a sandpaper from 3M to their list of "gotta-haves".  

To those of you who haven't yet tried 3M's 216U Production Fre-Cut Gold
sandpaper, I highly recommend you give it a shot.  It is easily the best
paper I have ever used, particularly for leveling finishes.  In the past
I have resorted to wet-sanding with silicon carbide paper to keep the
paper from clogging and the finish from "korning", but with the 216U
Fre-Cut Gold you can dry sand with little or no loading of the paper. 
This freedom is significant in that you can actually see what you are
accomplishing without taking the time to dry off the slurry from wet
sanding, only to find that you either have alot more to sand, or that you
went thru the finish in a couple places!  Much time is saved.  

The way it acts, you would think it was a stearated paper, but it is not,
and this means that there are no contamination problems common with the
use of stearated paper, particularly when using water-based products. 

The most amazing characteristic of this paper, though,  is that it is
very difficult to wear out.  It outlasts silicon carbide probably 5 to 1
in my experience, and considering that it is only slightly more expensive
that silicon carbide, it represents a big savings in cost.  Also, it is
extremely uniform in grit, making it a very good choice for final
leveling and rubbing out.

I have used this paper exclusively for my last 4 refinish jobs, and can't
sing high enough praises for its performance.  Perhaps a few bars from
the HALLEJUIAH chorus would suffice?

For more info, and/or ordering, contact either:
Jeff Jewitt at...   
Russ Ramirez at... 

As I recall, sleeves of 50 were just a tad over $20, and are a steal at
that price!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Mark Potter 

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