When to do it

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 11:49:49 -0500

>If the keybed had sagged, then the middle action bracket would have been
>loose, but it wasn't it. It wasn't the soft peddle rod moving the hammer rail
>up, because the rod was disconnected.
>I adjusted lost motion, and the piano played fine. But as Clyde asked, why
>did this happen?

While the keybed may have been stable, the balance rail could 
certainly be flexing a considerable amount. BTW, I too notice lots of 
lost motion movement in  Yamaha uprights. I was a bit suprised to see 
one of our Australian friends (Ron OVers?) citing the U1 as being 
especially stable in that regard. Perhaps the balance rail 
configuration is slightly different/more stable for the Aussie 

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Patrick Draine

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