Victor Borge

Avery Todd
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 20:13:16 -0600


    I never thought I'd make a post like this, even to you, but
after reading this ridiculous post of yours, I will still refrain
from saying the 4-letter words I'm thinking. It is Christmas,
after all.
    I've endured your other s***ty posts because I still believe
you have a lot to offer if you could ever stop trying to be a
martyr for your HT crusade. You seem rarely able to
make a post without posturing about how wronged you've
been and even "I" am finally tired of it. No more, please!!!!
    I'll stop now before I need more flame suits than Conrad
has to offer.


At 11:42 AM 12/24/00 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/24/00 10:17:13 AM Central Standard Time,
> (Horace Greeley) writes:
>>It is with some sadness that I pass along news of the death of Victor Borge.
>>Those of us who were privileged to work with him knew him as an underrated
>>musician and performer.  More importantly, he was a consummate gentleman
>>and citizen of the world.
>>If, to paraphrase John Donne, ...
>I had the privilege of tuning a Steinway D for a concert for him too and yes,
>he was a nice man, a really funny comedian and played well.  He said the same
>words of the Equal Beating Victorian Temperament I used as many have, "I
>liked it. Whatever you're doing, keep it up".
>This, of course quite contrary to the preaching and blatantly obscene
>admonishment against doing what I do and have done so successfully now for an
>entire nine years which was directed at me by the author of this post.  It
>seems fitting that those words were chosen from the gutter rather than from
>some philosopher.  And that's why I chose to ignore them and point out how
>foolishly wrong those gratuitous remarks were.
>Sorry to bring this up on Christmas Eve, folks, but some people's ill chosen
>words are not easily forgotten.  The news of Victor Borge's passing is, of
>course, sad but it is in the general media.  My first thought at seeing who
>it was who brought it up as a topic to this List as "...Those of us who were
>privileged to work with him knew him..." was just another attempt at name
>dropping posturing from a person who is always long on baloney and short on
>contributions of any substance.
>Bill Bremmer RPT
>Madison, Wisconsin

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