
David Renaud
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 10:55:37 -0500

No cottage, but it was in a storage warehouse for a couple years.
I would agree with a low wattage being useful in summer.
The collective 120W installed, without control seemed a little much.

The current owner has no instructions about when, or if to use it.
They wanted to know if they should leave it plugged in all the time, all year.
Even a proper Damp-Chaser, used improperly, can be worse then none
at all. Since this system has no control device, the client would have to be
informed and on top of it.

                                                     Dave Renaud

Marcel Carey wrote:

> Was this piano ever in a cottage situation? I used to advise people too poor
> to buy dampp chasers to use this system. I would advise them to plug the
> system only in the summer though and I usually advised for only 60watts.
> As far as the hairline cracks, the Lesage are famous for that. If you look
> closely, you will notice that the maple they used for pinblock was not
> quarter sawn wich caused a lot of cracks in the pinblock area.
> Marcel Carey
> Marcel Carey, accordeur technicien
> (819) 564-0447

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