1980 Mason Hamlin BB

BopPiano@AOL.COM BopPiano@AOL.COM
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 10:21:17 EST

I have been servicing a BB that was one of the last from Aeolian  
(1980-1985)- the hammer felt is peeling from some of the moldings and the 
tuning pins are loose.  The tone is not good although needling down the 
hammers has helped some.  I am prepared to replace the hammers and pinblock 
but have never seen one of these rebuilt and am wondering about the real 
potential. I haven't yet seen one of these that was a terrific piano.   
Anybody turned one of these into a really nice piano?    What are the chances 
of replacing the stack with a current production one and getting rid of those 
awful Aeolian wippins?      Thanks.

Gary Ford,  Boston

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