When to do it

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 11:35:21 -0500

At 07:09 AM 12/24/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>What happens to lost motion, particularly in spinets and consoles, when
>the humidity changes?  When does it increase or decrease, and why?  I
>should know by now, but I don't, and I did run into trouble once by
>doing it at the wrong time.  Since things seem pretty quiet on the list
>at the moment I thought this might be a good time to ask.  (Don't talk
>to me about humidity control; I already know.)

On verticals, lost motion increases in the winter (low humidity), decreases 
in summer (high humidity).
So if you are adjusting this you have to consider the time of year and 
degree that a change in humidity
will affect the setting.  A good guess.

Likewise with grands, the hammer line will be higher in the summer from the 
humidity swelling the felt components.

Letoff is also affected by humidity swings and on pianos where this is 
minimum, seasonal adjustments are needed.
Pianotek has a regulating guide which facilitates this in the field, part 
number TLRG  (TautLine Regulation Guide).

Season's Greetings,
Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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