Victor Borge

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 11:42:46 EST

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In a message dated 12/24/00 10:17:13 AM Central Standard Time, (Horace Greeley) writes:

> Friends,
> It is with some sadness that I pass along news of the death of Victor Borge.
> Those of us who were privileged to work with him knew him as an underrated 
> musician and performer.  More importantly, he was a consummate gentleman 
> and citizen of the world.

I had the privilege of tuning a Steinway D for a concert for him too and yes, 
he was a nice man, a really funny comedian and played well.  He said the same 
words of the Equal Beating Victorian Temperament I used as many have, "I 
liked it. Whatever you're doing, keep it up".

This, of course quite contrary to the preaching and blatantly obscene 
admonishment against doing what I do and have done so successfully now for an 
entire nine years which was directed at me by the author of this post.  It 
seems fitting that those words were chosen from the gutter rather than from 
some philosopher.  And that's why I chose to ignore them and point out how 
foolishly wrong those gratuitous remarks were.

Sorry to bring this up on Christmas Eve, folks, but some people's ill chosen 
words are not easily forgotten.  The news of Victor Borge's passing is, of 
course, sad but it is in the general media.  My first thought at seeing who 
it was who brought it up as a topic to this List as "...Those of us who were 
privileged to work with him knew him..." was just another attempt at name 
dropping posturing from a person who is always long on baloney and short on 
contributions of any substance.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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