
David Renaud
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 09:05:03 -0500

Saw something new in a Lesage piano(Quebec), approx. 30yrs old.

Two ceramic ceiling light fixtures screwed into the inner
sides of the piano, 10" below the keybed. Two 60W bulbs,
no controlling device, just plug it in and cook till done.
The current owner does not use it.

The piano shows a couple hairline cracks and the beginning
of delamination between pinblock and frame.

Was this "system" ever promoted in some circles at one
time, or was it likely one technicians brainstorm?
I'm not a Damp-Chaser expert, but the lack of any
control over 120W on full time, or on irregularly at
a clients discretion could produce damage; yes?

                                        David Renaud

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