Victor Borge

David M. Porritt
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 07:17:41 -0600


Victor was here in Dallas in October and did 4 performances.  I tuned the
piano (a dreadful Boesendorfer Imperial) each day.  I never met Victor as
he always showed up just before the performance, but I talked to his son a
little.  He said that this tour was likely Victor's last hurrah.  I don't
know if this meant he knew something of his health, or if his statement was
simply recognizing the obvious - he was 91!  The performances were well


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On 12/24/00 at 12:28 AM Horace Greeley wrote:

>It is with some sadness that I pass along news of the death of Victor
>Those of us who were privileged to work with him knew him as an underrated

>musician and performer.  More importantly, he was a consummate gentleman 
>and citizen of the world.
>If, to paraphrase John Donne, every person's death diminishes me because
>my involvement in humankind; then surely, the reverse is true for those 
>who, like Borge, have a level of involvement with humankind which 
>transcends petty distinctions of language, culture, borders, time and
>- we are all diminished by his passing as we were enriched by his wit, 
>humor, and humanity.
>More news as it comes in.  If others have more information, please do pass

>it on.
>Best regards to all,

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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