Snappy Baldwin blocks

Sat, 23 Dec 2000 12:49:42 EST

Ed F. wrote;
 <<" Anybody can pin a pinblock so that it will always be tight, but a more 
artistic and craftsmanlike approach is to pin it so that it will always be 
adequately tight, and also easy to tune. ">>

 Well I have operating on the Thumper's father's principle on 
this thread....but if I were going to respond on it I would have said 
something like what Ed said! :-)

 Baldwin has made decisions based on some management theory or other, or 
seemingly so. A few of them such as the "accu just" hitch pins and "floating 
plate" are beneficial, in my opinion, and also somewhat forgiving of less 
than strict adherance to manufacturing tolerances. The tight pinning that is 
somewhat identified with Baldwin is an entirely different matter. Though as a 
tool to combat warranty claims vis a vis "loose pins" it works very well as 
an unadvertised feature for technicians it is ...let's just say somewhat less 
than friendly, albeit tameable eventually! :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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