Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 09:56:43 -0600

> ....Exactly what does Baldwin 
> say the problem is? 

Oh, I can tell you that and save you a trip. Baldwin's position is that they
use the best pinblock in the industry, and try to give the impression that you
are the only one in the entire history of the company that has ever been so
deficient in technical skills as to have a problem tuning them. Your call will
be the first they have heard of it. They tell you that tight is better, and I
was informed some years ago that they carefully checked pin torque, and
conscientiously fixed anything over 300 in/lb. I know I slept better after
learning that. 

BTW; whatever you do, try not to ever identify a soundboard problem in a
Baldwin under warranty unless you have a lot of time to blow or the dealer will
handle it. To Baldwins' credit, they will eventually come through, but make
sure the owner knows they'll be paying for your time if you take one on.

Ron N

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