Wretched S&S & Yamahas

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 09:32:45 -0600

>Have you installed a set of "soft" hammers on a Yamaha or

Hi Newton, List,

No, I haven't. The only Yamahas I've installed hammers in, the owners
wanted them to sound like Yamahas. No Kawais either. I do have some general
observations though.

As I understand it, the relatively soft rim in the Yamaha requires a
stiffer, heavier soundboard assembly to keep the rim from absorbing string
energy too quickly. The thicker, heavier soundboard improves sustain, but
diminishes volume. To jack up the volume to a marketable level (got to have
POWER at all costs you know), hard and/or heavy hammers are required. The
tonal result of this compound compromise cascade is quite familiar to all
of us. I would think that putting Isaacs on a Yamaha would give you a more
pleasing sound, with better dynamic control at the low end, and a fairly
dramatic reduction of high end volume (which I wouldn't miss in the least -
my ear plugs are getting tired). By the time you get down to the hammers,
you're working with what the rest of the assembly has to give you.

Of course it's this same series of stacked compensatory design specs that
make it possible for Yamaha to produce pianos at high speed (and volume
<G>), that are virtually interchangeably uniform in sound for each model.

Ron N

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