Wretched S&S & Yamahas

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 10:20:33 -0500

I have replaced the hammers on several Kawais, KG-2Cs, in
practice rooms.  The volume was reduced because of the
softer tone but there was a much winder dynamic range than
expected.  I did one G-3 Yamaha with Renner.  I prefer
softer hammers than Renner is/was making.  Today I would not
hesitate to put "good" hammers on any Asian piano.  I have
shrill clangers.
Farrell wrote:
> Hi Newton. Your answer appears to not be what I expected. Is this so? Are
> you saying that you have NOT noticed that the piano has good power with
> Abel, Isaac or Ronson hammers - i.e. a Yamaha does not have good power when
> its hammers are replaced with Abel, Isaac or Ronson hammers? I think I know
> your answer, but please clarify. Thank You!  :-)
> Terry Farrell

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