Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Tom Cole
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 20:45:54 -0800

"Kevin E. Ramsey RPT" wrote:
> Because the tuning pins are set so firmly in the block, It's necessary to
> make sure that the pin is settled down, not forced down, into position. This
> can be difficult, but you just have to remember to make sure the pin has no
> "spring" in it. I usually do this by lifting back up on the pin a little to
> see if it wants to change pitch more than it should.

I do this, too. And I try to solve the jumpiness problem by making the
pitch jump sharp by X amount followed by jumping flat by .9X (or 1.1X,
depending on the direction I'm changing the pitch) to achieve small
increments of change. 

I guess there's no such thing as slow pull in this situation, no matter
what you try.

Tom Cole

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