home alone again

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 09:04:29 EST

Here's a funny twist on the home alone stories. 

Yesterday I tuned a piano where the house is under construction. The living 
room, where the piano is located, was full of toys, books, furniture, etc., 
that is supposed to be in the room under construction. In other words, it was 
a mess.

The customer asked if it was all right for her to leave. I said sure, no 
problem. After she gave me her check, she said, "I am not worried about you 
taking anything. The house has been open for the construction people for so 
long, I don't even worry about anything missing anymore. In fact, I wish you 
would take something. It will be less of a mess for me to clean up later."

Happy Holidays everyone. 


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