X-14 was Mildew

Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:43:42 EST

Marcel wrote;
<<"Could you be a little more specific about X-14. Is there a name brand">>
Well X14 is the name brand but as to who makes it I am not sure.
One of the ingredients is sodium hypocholorite, an ester salt.
The directions say that it can "darken" metal with a rusty coloration and 
cause "spots" on cloth. The only precautions on the label is don't let kids 
or pets drink it and flush eyes out thoroughly with water if it splashes into 
your eyes.
 I have used it for many years and a little goes a long way. Just a spritz or 
two on the affected areas of the action will solve most of the mold/mildew 
accumulation. I have used it on upholstery as well as metal surfaces without 
any ill effects....your milage may differ however...test a small section 

 The label containing, presumably, the manufacturer info is missing from my 
bottle but the next time I go to the store I will look and let you know.
Jim Bryant (FL) 

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