Danger technical content!!

Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:43:12 EST

Susan wrote;
 <<"One question ... you were talking about putting on jigs to
press in capstans or backchecks. How can they be mounted?">>

Well like Ron said, or drill and tap the ram as Del said. 
I have made caps from square metal tubing that fit over the end of the ram 
and are held in place with a set screw that I tapped in the front of the ram. 
On these caps I have silver soldered the various sizes of weight punches and 
when the need arises I will make an appropiate ram cap for capstans.  After 
thinking about it I can 'probably' make a riser to set the press on and use 
it for backchecks also...we'll have to see about that. :-)
Jim Bryant (FL) 

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