straws, anyone?

Susan Kline
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 11:25:13 -0800

At 11:38 AM 12/21/2000 -0600, you wrote:

>Instead of straws, why not use the solution Susan Kline has offered - put
>superglue on one side of the shank, white glue on the other, hold them
>together for about five seconds, then let dry. Makes a fine, virtually
>invisible, repair.
>les bartlett

Actually, I don't use the glue trick or soda straws for mending
hammer shanks. I take the time to remove the butt, extract or
drill out the ends, and dry fit the hammer to a new shank. Once
I can't tell which hammer was broken off, except that it's less
dusty than its neighbors, I add white glue. I don't use crazy glue
with the white glue here, because there's no urgency and the joint
doesn't need clamping.

I might try the glue trick if I had a grand shank break right before a
concert, and couldn't find a spare which fit. Of course, I try not to
get into that sort of jam.


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