False Beat/Bridge Pin Fix

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:54:53 -0600

> A little pressure on the pin made the string
>go from the most horrible false beat in the world to a VERY clean sounding
>string. EVERY time!

Now what have Newton and I been telling you all this time? You just have to
learn to trust us.

>Anyone care to estimate time required to loosen all strings in treble and
>hi-treble sections (tenor and bass are OK) and pop them off the hitch pins,
>remove old bridge pins, apply epoxy, set original pins back in (let set for
>48 hours) reposition strings, bring up to pitch, level and seat strings,

52 hours, less set up time.

>I hope that I can post in a month or two that I have completed a highly
>successful repair!
>Terry Farrell

That's too much set up time. Never give the customer time to move between
trips. Another little tip. No charge.

Ron N

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