Danger technical content!!

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:30:28 -0600

>Ron wrote;
> <<"I found a bald threaded capstan. Nary a thread.">>
> How insensitive!! It would have been so much kinder and PC to have said 
>'less threaded', or 'thread challenged' capstan. But maybe the cold has 
>gotten to you. :-)
>It is 28F degrees here right now and fo Floriduh dat be's cold!!!
>Jim Bryant (FL) 

Thread challenged??!! (and this guy gives ME a hard time about nomenclature
<G>) Quite right Reverend Jim, "pre-threaded" has a much more positive and
up-beat implication, hinting at potentially exemplary function only
temporarily unrealized, wouldn't you say?

Zat better? Do I get to stay on the Other's Brother's for the Betterment of
the Impression of Validity Newsletter mailing list? (the first copy of
which I'm still waiting for, by the way)

So Del, what's the drill (as it were) for those capstans going into a
hardwood block (riser?) on the key, rather than into soft sugar
pine/basswood/spruce/??? Lesser interference fit and press away?

Ron N

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