
John Musselwhite
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 20:02:25 -0700

At 02:06 PM 12/16/2000 -0500, Jim wrote:

>I have two questions I'm hoping someone on the List can answer.
>Before removing the treble strings in a upright piano, is there some
>type of jig that can be made so you know exactly where the new strings
>will go?  Usually, I line them up with the grooves in the old hammers,
>maybe a jig would be better.

I think it was Jon who wrote that he likes to mark the spacing on a shim 
and match the new strings to it, which is what I used to do. Then Al 
Jeschke RPT showed me this method, originally to aid in re-scaling. It's 
basically like taking a paper rubbing for bass strings.

Assuming the original string line was OK and that you're not doing anything 
serious to the bridges take some brown wrapping paper and with a rubber 
mallet (or a small ball-peen hammer with a crutch tip on it) lightly tap 
the paper through the bridge pins so it holds there. Take a piece of 
graphite or a soft pencil and rub it on the paper near the V-Bar and again 
near the bridge making the string marks visible. Fold the paper right up 
against the V-Bar and mark the fold with a pencil so you can easily measure 
the length of each string later for re-scaling, using the bridge-end 
graphite marks to easily locate the appropriate bridge pin on your pattern.

To line up the new strings, put the paper pattern back on the bridge pins, 
fold or cut it where the graphite marks are and tap the strings each way 
until they match the marks on the paper.  When you're finished, make sure 
the string lines are neat on the tuning pin side and then go back and 
re-check your original work.  (Thanks for the tip, Al!)

Oh... Don't forget to dress the V-Bar before you start stringing.

>Also, does anyone have a good method of gluing on a new fallboard felt
>that is neat and even?

I use my thumb.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada

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