Moderate the list?

David M. Porritt
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:48:36 -0600

I don't think anyone understands how impossible all this moderating is with
our present structure.  Andy does a tremendous amount of work, and it is
about as automated as it can get.  

If we had a method of "removing" a person, we'd have to restructure the
list so that all subscribers would have to be manually "approved".
Otherwise a removed person could simply re-subscribe.  I've seen lots of
requests for a moderator, list editor, archive editor, mother superior, but
no one has volunteered the hours per day that this would require.  

Let's just behave generally, and delete often.  


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On 12/20/2000 at 10:59 PM Richard Brekne wrote:

>So far the best idea to my mind so far ventureed was not so much a
>of the list, as an editor for the archives. Its clear that the list serves
>to some degree as a meeting place...and a bit of chit chat seems to be
>enjoyed by more then it is annoying to others. Still there is no reason
>all that to be included in the archives.
>An archive editor would have a much easier time of it... simply editing
>all non technical commentary. Wouldnt need any debate over piano-political
>issues... any idle social niceites... or just plain kidding around. Just
>all except technical posts out for inclusion to the archives.
>This coupled with the kind of approach Ron advises should go a long way to
>satisfying all sides concerned here.
>Now if we can only get someone to volunteer for the job.
>Richard Brekne
>RPT, N.P.T.F.
>Bergen, Norway

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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