Danger technical content!!

Wed, 20 Dec 2000 10:01:54 EST

Et Al;
I have a tradition of buying something, at Christmas, for the shop every year 
that I probably would not buy normally.
 Well this year I searched for THE item dejure and settled on a 1/2 ton 
bearing press. :-)
 Well yes that's right there are no bearings on a piano that can be pressed 
with a bearing press but there are more uses for this thingee. 
 What I bought it for was to press out old keyweights and to press in new 
keyweights. It also will do an exemplary job of expanding the weight to stay 
snug in the hole.
 I have made several different sized 'tips' to fit on the press drift to 
match different sized weights. In addition I have made an 'asterick' shaped 
tip for expanding all size weights.
 I have used it to refurbish a set of corroding weights and it works verrry 
well...no more balancing the key while trying to hold punch, key and hammer 
at the same time...no more trying to use weight extractor thingees that don't 
quite reach from either side of the key.....no more worry about blind 
weights, the press punches through the old blind spot.
 I have made, from scrap pinblock, a series of females forms to fit the 
various sizes of weights so that with a form in place all that is needed is a 
quick throw of the press arm and the weight is out, the hole ready for 
cleaning and or resizing.
 Pretty neat working thingee...got mine from Grizzly for 29.95 plus shipping. 
It is kinda rough machining but for what I am using it for it works just fine.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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