Superglue and Agraffes?

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 06:50:20 -0600

>I threatened to send the piano back if a proper size part didn't arrive in a 
>timely fashion.  I have heard of many marvelous repairs that superglue can 
>be used for, but is this one of them?
>Carol Beigel

Well, I can't pass Ed's test for CA understanding, but no. True, CA can
hold up elephants (and maybe liquor stores too), but the bond needs a
suitable surface, of a suitable area. It's not the total tonnage involved,
but the pounds per square inch, angstroms per square mil, or whatever your
choice of loading indicator may be. You didn't say what size the broken
agraffe stud is, but if it's not something you can get from a supply house,
tell them they can get you a replacement ASAP, or stick it - nicely, of

Ron N

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