Old uprights - think twice?

David M. Porritt dporritt@post.cis.smu.edu
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 06:17:59 -0600


A very creative and funny post.  You gave me a good laugh!


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On 12/19/00 at 10:08 AM JIMRPT@AOL.COM wrote:

>Dave P. wrote;
><<"eleemosynary endeavor">>
> Dear Dave;
> As I am sure you are well aware the list is now a moderated list due to 
>unpopular demand or the squeaking wheel syndrome.  As the list god I must 
>inform you that the post containing the quoted words above will not be 
>allowed to reach the list.
>The reasons for this deletion are legion but a few of them are listed below:
>1. It is a polysyllable construct and as such we believe it is above the norm 
>and therefore confusing to the list at large....tending toward a mass of 
>righteous posts decrying use of same.
>2. The root being "charity" and "charity" being closely aligned with 
>religion, which as you know is a verbotten here on pianogripe, this usage 
>alone would be enough to keep your post off of the list.
>3. The unfortunate use of "endeavor" being this close the the recent 
>"endeavors" of counting loose, pregnant or hanging chads will, in our 
>opinion, bring forth a host of angry responses to the effect that politics 
>have no place on pianogripe.
>4. The use of "eleemosynary" just might cause some to think you are somehow 
>speaking to pickled eels, a delicacy in some locals, and therefore it does 
>lend a lunch counter type of flavor to the list.... we all are well aware
>there is too much "baloney" being floated on the list and your sly reference 
>to same will not be tolerated.
>5. You said......"As long as the old uprights are under valued by the public, 
>they have to be
>under valued by the technician"
> We feel that you have no moral or ethical right to foist your values on the 
>public or other technicians and take extreme umbrage at your sly attempts at 
>doing so in this medium.
>6. You said...."unless you are just in this line of work".
>We are not at all sure exactly what you mean by this seemingly deprecating 
>remark but we don't like the general tone therein. It seems as if you think 
>that piano technology is somehow a dilatory trade. "Just" indeed, we won't 
>stand for this type heresy.
>However we are happy to announce the acceptance of the rest of your very 
>excellent post..to wit: <<"as an">> and will allow the posting to continue 
>with the minor deletions as noted above.
>Happy to be of service and y'all come back, ya heah?
>List moderator

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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